My first name means "resolution" (like a New Year's Resolution, not like that of a photo), and would actually be written as sankalp when using IAST. Because of my surname (which is Tamil, but with an extra -an at the end it would be a name in Malayalam, and with that many -ans it's hard to count), some people think that my first name is from Malayalam sankalpam, meaning "dream, imagination". Malayalam has a large portion of vocabulary derived from Sanskrit despite being a Dravidian language, and this is one such word, but the meaning has shifted, and in my case, the name is simply directly from Sanskrit.
Contrary to this site's URL, my last name is Ananthanarayan, not Ananth. Some in my family shorten it to just that. I prefer using the full last name, and of course use it on publications. I didn't want to get a URL that massive though.